Magus: A Tribute in Poetry and Film to Donald Miller
by Vanessa Skantze
for Donald Miller guitarist extraordinaire
You brought the sea.
You brought the sea.
Where there was an arid space I sought to infect and encompass;
with words and sound and tensile fighting form–
I and I alone, making a world in a realm of affliction.
Of countless bars not reached.
I had no trust that space was waiting for me and that something could hold me, join me,
allow me a place to, at last, listen.
And hear the inside space more keenly than ever I had
when all the outside pressed upon me
with its unceasing dare for me to pierce it and push through…
You brought the sea.
And I dove, and I surfaced.
And I heard the waves and remembered them inside my skin.
I heard the cries of birds cascading toward surf and rearing up again
and I was with them
I was them
I could be other, Other! in a realm not of my desperate making
and the weight of the line of arid, severed ones I came from fell away
And I was of, was within, the sea.
The sea beckoned to me: enter! and I dove, I crested, I drifted and dreamed
and there you were! a companion I had never known to seek.
You brought the sea.
You brought the forest.
A vibration of life so thick: a palpable verdancy filling the throat of silence
the deep breath and low hum of the ancients who knew time before the marauders;
before the severing and casting out from a place where the word home was not known
For there had never been anything else but home
The greengold become sound.
And I remembered bark like a second skin and sap like a blood twin
The scent of the loam thick with the fallen ones returned to earth
this was the moment of birth before breath was a slap and the cord cut and cast off.
You brought the forest.
You brought abandoned streets
the distaff of industry and ambition.
Ground charnel yet fecund for rats, crows, feral cats and all beasts scavenging
Where machines cast away from use
have become the talking drums of the dispossessed.
I listened.
I listened
I listened and this! was the way into the spirit life I felt but could not fall into and feel caught, held
For the burden of proof was a lead carapace I thrashed within never finding the frequency
to immolate it or myself
In yr sound came dissolution of that which I bore to save my skin
In yr sound came the awakening of what waited for the time when the realms returned to me.
The sea.
The forest.
The desolate streets teeming with anarchic scavengers and creatures reveling in their uselessness.
You brought the sound that reminded me I was instrument
And creator of worlds
with you
with any that would enter! Who would listen. Who would go.
You brought the sound that was sea and everything else.
I would not have become this now that I am without you.
This everything but myself; and more myself than I had ever been.
I bow to yr artistry; I embrace yr spirit.
You are with me in every dance. Beloved friend, bright star.
Fly swift. Fly strong on strings bowed to shudder and wave into infinity.
I will ride that with you.
A wave.
The sea.
The passage between my life as a solo spoken word performance artist and my life as a Butoh dancer was traveled in collaboration with the extraordinary musician Donald Miller, the Magus to whom this work is dedicated. Along with Rob Cambre we founded The Death Posture, a sound/movement ensemble in New Orleans. Improvised music is an art of deep listening. In creating performance with these prepared, bowed, and distorted guitars I was also an instrument: a part of a ritual weaving of an unforeseen realm in spacetime, absorbing and transmitting my part of the resonant intensities of feeling we three shaped. In this immersion came forth unknown spirits in ecstasy and in mourning. Spirits of the shattered beauty of this world cherished in their shuddering and fleeting presence. Here the intercessor of language was collapsed and I crawled forth broken and trembling. The sound, at once oceanic and industrial, furious and tender allowed me to open to the wild nature and the harsh world as an initiate, as a mendicant offering emptiness and receiving gods.
From art as act of thrusting myself forward in solitary sacrifice I was graced to enter—beckoned by my beloved friend, teacher and collaborator Donald Miller—a realm where revelation was a kaleidoscopic unraveling and a willed possession by what wanted to enter through us to be known, to be felt, by our witnesses. I bow to this bold and sensitive being, this magnificent artist without whom I would not have become this that I am: this Butoh dancer. In our practices, in our performances, we simply began, opened, shuddered, and listened. And the land, the machinery, the assault, the ever-upsurging love for the intensity of life expressed in sound and body entered through us and played in the space where our skins, our field, were disturbed, made porous thus to collide; to entwine and together create a realm arriving in all its need as a glorious tear in the fabric of existence.
Hali Autumn and I filmed on the Olympic Peninsula in July 2023. The footage was edited to accompany an upcoming To End It All performance. After Donald’s passing I wrote and recorded Magus. Donald’s wife, Cree McCree, asked for a video for his tribute so I asked Hali if she could swiftly edit something to accompany the recorded piece which she graciously agreed to do and came through beautifully. It was moving to see this film translating to entwine with the writing.
Magus is my song for Donald Miller, in word and in dance.

Guitar magus Donald Miller (5/7/58-10/22/24) entered the NYC New Music scene in 1978, immersed in the practice of avant-garde music and visual art. His first band was the now cult-status Sick Dick & the Volkswagens. In February 1979, Miller met and played with saxophonists Jim Sauter and Don Dietrich, giving immediate birth to Borbetomagus. The honed ferocity of this ensemble influenced a generation of noise artists; especially in Japan. In August 2001, Donald and his wife Cree moved to New Orleans. There he formed The Death Posture with guitarist Rob Cambre and Butoh dancer Vanessa Skantze in early 2002. This ensemble, which dancer Alex Haverfield joined in 2003, performed relentlessly to a stunned New Orleans until late 2004 when the dancers moved to Seattle. Donald and Rob expanded The Death Posture to include drummer Chris Robert and eventually dancer Emmalee Sutton. Donald released the exquisite solo album Transgression in 2021.

Vanessa Skantze co-created the sound/movement improvisation ensemble Death Posture with Donald Miller and Rob Cambre in New Orleans in 2001. Based in Seattle, she is a co-founder of Teatro de la Psychomachia, a DIY space that has hosted national and international performing artists and musicians since 2010. She has created numerous solo and group Butoh works and has taught regularly for 20 years. Other musicians Vanessa has worked with include Peter Kowald, Jarboe, and Tatsuya Nakatani. Her performances include Writhing Treasure Feast, and Red Flag on the Red Planet. Her film The Unraveling was featured at the Unfix NYC Festival in 2021 and she appeared as a highlight artist performing night mare the following year. Vanessa performs and tours with To End It All, a doom/death industrial trio.

Hali Autumn is an intermediate artist specializing in film-making, fine art photography, and darkroom techniques; developing her own methods to create visual-poetics. Her work has been exhibited at Blue Sky Gallery, Oregon Contemporary, The Reser, Northwest Film Forum, and The 8 Fest. She is the founder and director of the South Sound Experimental Film Festival where she curates annual film screenings & performance. Currently based in Portland, Oregon, Hali is pursuing a BFA in Intermedia Arts at Pacific Northwest College of Art where she experiments in alternative photographic procedures and researching ideas of repression, trance, and the history of early analog processes.

Eric Maia has been performing experimental music under the name celadon
since 2003. Eric creates industrial, ambient, and experimental music and
works solo and in collaboration with other musicians. Since 2006, he has
improvised and composed accompaniment to Butoh dance and other art
forms, working with Vanessa Skantze, Joan Laage and other local dancers.
Eric has composed music for numerous shows with aerial performance
troupe The Cabiri. His music can be found at