photo by Vasily Kleymenov on pexels
by Samn Stockwell
A cockroach takes a sip of night, stirs
by the highway where a mouse
prods bits of chips in a red wrapper.
I’m hanging on the guardrails
of the overpass, on a thin crumble
of sidewalk – below
the turn of the streetcar waddling back,
a guitar player rumbling his hand up the frets,
and the moon over the amplitude
of a horn blowing the last note.

Samn Stockwell has published in Agni, North American Review, and the New Yorker, among others. Her new book, Musical Figures, is published by Thirty West Publishing House. Her two previous books, Theater of Animals and Recital, won the National Poetry Series (USA) and the Editor’s Prize at Elixir, respectively. She won the Massachusetts Poetry Festival First Poem prize, was selected as the editor’s choice at Panoply, and was the editor’s choice for Brain Mill Press. Recent poems are in Ploughshares and others. You can find out more about her at: https://www.samnstockwell.org/