LIT 36, Spring 2024
Kiss by Nathan Erwin
The Wolf by Jan Edwards Hemming
Dear Loch Ness Monster by Emily Cejkovsky
burn and leave your hometown, said New Found Glory by Liam Strong
Lost is the Road by Alexander Etheridge
Baseball on a Threatening School Day by Ken Been
Ark by Alex Starr
Broken Glass and Other Sharp Objects by Genevieve Creedon
After Thirty Minutes, Dark Adaptation Occurs by Emily Townsend
If You Cry Hard Enough, God Will Answer Your Prayers by Jae Eason
Prestidigitation by David Prather
How to Become a Mother by Grace Sikorski
Cousins by Claire Donato
Horde’s Oeuvre by Ian Power-Luetscher
Traveling With a Door by Sandra Hunter
Watch and Wait by Lucy McBee
A Normal Life by Zia Jaffrey
The Garden Wall by Lorraine Hanlon Comanor
My Life in Three Train Rides: Powder, Rails, Arrests by Tony Wallin-Sato
What is Special About Dusk by Katiy Heath
There and Back and Back Again Again by George Choundas
Meds Yeghern by Alexa Luborsky
Container, and Nighttime by Georgia San-Li
The Last Time I Saw Your Father by Hannah Dow
Sunlight, and The Object in View by Cole Swenson
Bird Medicine by Irina Varina
Heat That Smells Like Drowning, How a ’75 Dodge Bled Auroras on the Asphalt, Three Dedications
by B. Luke Wilson
Cabinet of Curiosities by Meredith Jelbart
Curses for Crooked Teeth by Laurie Blauner
Benign Madness by Joyce Lee
Parade by Tad Tuleja
Country Ghosts by Francesca Diano, translated from the Italian by Laura Valeri
Time Flows Like Water, Sunshine For 10,000 Miles, A Love That Fills The Bed, Hello September
by A Hua, translated from the Chinese by Xuelan Su and Kathy Z. Fan
I Heard Her Call My Name: An Interview With Lucy Sante and an excerpt from her new memoir
On Language, Connection, and Peculiar Literature: An Interview with Claire Donato
The Storm We Made: An interview with Vanessa Chan (MFA ’21) and an excerpt from her debut novel
Featuring a group by Tony Wallin-Sato:
On the Cover: “Ni”
“Ichi“, “Ni”, “San”, “Shi”, “Go”
“Eye of the Storm“ by Aditi Bhattacharjee
“2-1“ by Richard Hanus
“eye” by Mia Broecke
About our featured artist

Tony Wallin-Sato is a Japanese American who works with formerly/currently incarcerated individuals in higher education as the Program Director for Project Rebound at Cal Poly Humboldt and is a lecturer in the critical race gender and sexuality studies department at Cal Poly Humboldt. He holds an MFA in Poetry and is the Co-Chair for the Boundless Freedom Project and an Advisory Board Member for the American Prison Newspaper Project. His first chapbook of poems, Hyouhakusha: Desolate Travels of a Junkie on the Road, was published in 2021 through Cold River Press. His first book of poems, Bamboo on the Tracks: Sakura Snow and Colt Peacemaker, was selected by John Yau for the 2022 Robert Creeley Memorial Award and is forthcoming through Finishing Line Press June 2024. His second book of poems, Okaerinasai, is forthcoming from Wet Cement Press October 2024. His work is featured in or forthcoming in the 2024 Asian American and Pacific Islander Anthology, We Gathered Heat, from Haymarket Books; Cultural Daily; The Asian American Writers Workshop: The Margins; Neon Door; Another Chicago Magazine; LIT magazine; and New Delta Review. Wallin-Sato's work comes out of the periphery and supports the uplifting of voices usually spoken in the shadows. All he wants is to see his community's thoughts, ideas and emotions freely shared and expressed.