Lula Bajek
“Lula’s work is tender and predatory. This predacity is an ability to open a wound by means of a picture. This wound is a gate to sensitive seeing.”
Bronka Nowicka
Sorrow teaches me that I’m used for living.
— When you’re eating — it says — your job is to remember to chew and swallow, that’s all. You see, your hair grows without your help, breathing and sleeping happens on its own, your eyes know how to close. Basically, you almost don’t need yourself for anything. And so when walking, I only shuffle my feet, and sitting, I press the stool which squeaks. When I’m sitting like this, the view’s using me for hours on end for looking.From To Feed the Stone by Bronka Nowicka (translated by Katarzyna Szuster)
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LULA BAJEK is a Polish illustrator and drawer. She graduated from the Academy of Fine Arts in Krakow. Her accomplishments include the artistic project entitled The Black Sun. She spent two years in China learning traditional Chinese painting and now lives and works in Warsaw.