LIT 34, Summer 2023
Letter from the Editors
Primavera by Kayla Beth Moore
Today the Gulf of Mexico Is on Fire by Patrick Kindig
Helen, On Childhood by Elaine Johanson
What You Were Meant To Be by Anthony Aguero
Five Saints by Ann Pedone
Traces so Patient, so Pure by Emma DePanise
Tefillah Ne’ilah by Yael Hacohen
Tap Me by Greg Allendorf
Self-Addressing: A Bilinguacultural Poem by Yuan Changming
Roots by Benjamin Balthaser
Originally, All Brown Eyes by Emma DePanise
I Supplicate to the Gauze Panther by Ryan Bollenbach
Infinite Tigers by Lucien Mattison
A Panther on TV by Ryan Bollenbach
The Day of the Deer by Patrick Kindig
I Am Joseph, Your Brother by Soraya Qahwaji
HIgh Holy Period by Sarah Farbiarz
Chapter Seven by John Grey
Origin Story by Kayla Beth Moore
Walls by Tim Fitts
Bedtime Story in a Foster Home Somewhere in California (1974) by Cerissa DiValentine
An Immersive Experience by Darren Bradley Jones
Collecting 92 Years of Wisdom by Chelsey Clammer
This is Not a Photo of My Mom by Lindsay Lee Wallace
How to Heal by Vanessa Escobar
Kein Baby by S.C. Beckner
Ripe Fruit by Katie Mitchell
Regions of Identity by Jeri Griffith
“As Jay DeFeo Paints Deathrose – The White Rose – The Rose (1958-1966)” by Lenore Myers
Two Poems by Pietro Federico Translated From the by Italian John Poch
Two Poems by Manuel Vilas Translated from Spanish by John Yohe
Five Poems by Yuan Changming Translated by the Author
Two Poems by Immanuel Mifsud Translated from the Maltese by Ruth Ward
An interview with MFA ’21 Gina Chung and an excerpt from her debut novel Sea Change
On the Cover, White Birds by Jeri Griffith
A Gathering of Souls by Jeri Griffith
Land of Plenty by Vera Illiatova
Letter from the Editors
In the case of changes in temperature, rising waters, and fluxes and adjustments of all sorts we choose to put our faith in art. We choose connection to something greater than ourselves for solstice, for bravery, for transcendence, for getting out of bed, for community. Why we do what we do does not have a quantifiable equivalent: we are math problems solved with only mystery to show for our work. For LIT 34, we dove into the submittable sea and came up with treasures. We are so excited to share this collection. Please enjoy the mystery.
LIT Editors